I know its been a long time since I posted and I've made a few people angry (Lex), so here is a little recap of what has gone on over the past two weeks or so, and some pictures too because I know thats really all anyone cares about:
7.2.08- My contractions are getting more and more painful as the day progresses and vary from about 6-15 minutes apart all day. The second I lay down to try to sleep I am in instant pain!!
I would have thought they would be worse standing up but I was very wrong! I didn't sleep at all this night- not even a few minutes.
7.3.08- I go to my doctor appointment hoping that all the pain from the night before atleast resulted in some progress, but I was only 1 centimeter dialated- disappointing! The doctor gave me a prescription for ambien to help me sleep, but I'm too paranoid to take it. Contractions continued all day but never got consistent enough to be real labor. We went to some fireworks in Idaho Falls and then decided to stay at Trav's parent's house that night. I spent the entire night either pacing around the room or lying in the bathtub trying to get through the back pain. It was miserable, night two without any sleep at all!
By the time the fireworks came around I was pretty much a zombie so I apologize to anyone we saw that day because I was probably acting like an idiot! This is probably the worst picture of me ever, but I thought it was funny because it totally shows how I felt that day.

When we got home from the fireworks I had had it! I decided I was giving in so we headed to Walgreens and picked up the ambien prescription so I could finally get some sleep. It didn't work! I still couldn't sleep through the pain, but now I was hallucinating from the ambien! By 2 o'clock in the morning I couldn't take it anymore. Trav called the doctor and asked them if it was normal for me to be in this much pain but still not be having steady contractions, they said I might have a bladder infection or kidney stones and to come into the hospital. We headed to the hospital and when I got there they did a few tests and said they were admitting me--I was in labor!! Apparently I had been for awhile but the contractions just weren't consistent. I was 4 centimeters dialated when I got to the hospital so they gave me an epidural right away and life was wonderful from there on out! Finally I was able to get some much needed sleep.
7.5.08- Most of this day was so peaceful. I just relaxed and slept most of the day, spent time with Travis, and visited with family and friends that stopped by.

I can't even explain how much I love epidurals! I progressed at a steady rate but by late afternoon my epidural was wearing off and the pain got a little worse. They realized that the back pain was probably due to the fact that the baby was posterior (turned upside down). They gave me an extra boost in my epidural and I started pushing. They tried to turn her around but she would quickly turn right back every time! Stubborn little girl! As soon as I started pushing the baby's heart rate dropped and the doctor was called in quickly. They told me that they needed to help me get her out as quick as possible, which meant forceps. The thought of this freaked me out, but luckily I had a lot of faith in my doctor and knew he would do whatever was best for the baby so I was able to stay pretty calm. I pushed for a very short time and with lots of help from the doctor and his forceps, Presley was out very very quickly at 5:07 pm.
It was such an amazing experience! Having this beautiful little girl placed on my chest was so overwhelming. I couldn't even believe she was finally here and so perfect and healthy!