With our busy summer and other things going on, we just now got around to finally blessing Presley. I was a little worried about how she would behave during the blessing, being older than most babies at their blessings and quite the talker. But she was an angel as usual! Everything went great and it was such a special day. We were fortunate enough to share the day with Trav's cousin Whitney and her husband Derrek as they blessed their darling little girl Adley. It was so much fun to be with family and friends and eat lots of food! We were so glad that Chad could be in town for the big day but sad as always missing the Noll side of the family. Thanks to the modern technology of "skype" I was able to at least kind of feel like they were a part of the event. Our apologies to them for the view of butts! Thanks so much to everyone that made it and all of the help!