As always there is really no theme to this post just an attempt to quickly get some pictures up for the family to see. Sorry, I'm just not a real "blogger."
This is my cutie all bundled up for the cold. I am so glad we haven't had to face the snow yet!

Trav & I just thought she looked so grown up this day. Can't believe that my baby is getting so big!

The imagination station on the baby pod is still her favorite toy.

These are a few from Thanksgiving. Super low-key and relaxing this year. We celebrated Thanksgiving a couple of weeks early this year when all of Trav's fam was in town. On actual Thanksgiving it was just us and Trav's parents for dinner so we went out and it was fantastic. Best cleanup! Later that night the extended family joined us for a buffet of yummy desserts!

She tried her first vegetables on Thanksgiving. It was squash and she wasn't so sure about it on the first bite, but with a little time she decided she's a fan!

Watching Daddy's favorite team.

Presley met her Great Grandma & Grandpa Harwood for the first time on Thanksgiving.

Just another day of playing with Daddy!

She's an Ohio girl at heart!

I don't know why we take so many pictures when she is sleeping, but this day she fell asleep with toys in her hands and I loved it.

When there is no binki around, the fingers are her backup.

I love when she plays so hard she falls asleep.