Travis turned 28 today! I can't believe we're getting so old, or at least he is! I felt terrible that I couldn't be with him to celebrate today so I thought I'd list 28 of the many, many things I love about him (since he's going to kill me for posting that pic)...
1. that he calls and sings to me when he knows I'm sad (Ohh child, things are gonna get easier. Ohh child things are gonna get brighter...)
2. that he is always willing to try new foods for me
3. how much he loves a good steak
4. the way he would drop anything to spend time with his niece
5. that he loves books (and audiobooks) and learning new things
6. how understanding he is of all the time I spend in cleveland
7. how much he enjoys being around his brothers and family
8. the amazing spirit he conveys when he gives me priesthood blessings and knowing that he is always there and worthy when I need one
9. his ability to rap (that he won't share with anyone but me)
10. his hugs
11. that he lets me cry on his shoulder (you wouldn't believe the number of his shirts that I have to clean mascara stains off of)
12. that he has never thought twice about working as hard as he can to support me and his future family
13. watching him work, it always leaves me in awe of how good he is at what he does
14. how excited he is to be a dad
15. that he is constantly working to improve himself, he never settles
16. watching him clean the car windows every time we get gas (I don't know why I love this, I know it's weird but it makes me feel taken care of or something)
17. that he worries so much about me being out alone or driving places
18. he does dishes and laundry and cleans (more than me)
19. the way he always uses funny cliche phrases and usually not in the right context!
20. the way I always feel safe and protected the second he wraps his arms around me
21. that he always has a new idea whether it be for a business or a product or whatever, he is always thinking
22. that he never tells me to dream smaller or be more realistic
23. his deep love of the "buffet"
24. how defensive he is when I make fun of idaho
25. that he never ever gets discouraged, he is so tenacious
26. the way he looks in a button down dress shirt
27. that he always encourages me to do things for myself and even surprises me with massage appointments or things like that
28. the way he loves me. mostly how unconditionally he loves me. sometimes I am amazed with what he puts up with!
Trav, I hope you know how much I love you and how grateful I am to have you as a husband and soon to be father of my child. I hope you had a fun birthday! I love you!
BTW: I tried to post this yesterday but couldn't get it to post! Sorry babe!