Friday, September 5, 2008

Orchid Farm

For over a year now, my mom and I have been trying to coordinate a trip to the orchid farm of a doctor she knows from work.  For some reason the timing just never seemed to work out.  Last week the doctor told her they were having a gathering at the place and invited us to come.  We were determined to get there this time so Presley and I got up early Saturday morning and headed to Cleveland.  That afternoon Presley, my mom, Lex, Carter, Paige, and I all headed out to see what this place was all about.  It was not what we expected at all.  It is the doctor's father's land and it was absolutely beautiful.  There is a gorgeous lake, trees, a playground and acres and acres of land! The family was having a big get together with friends and family and lots of yummy food.  They were all so nice and friendly and made us feel so welcomed.  We hung out and enjoyed the area and after a little while we finally got the grand tour!  It is actually the mans dad that grows the plants (it turned out to be much more than orchids).  This man is incredible!  I cannot believe the amount of time he must put into these plants, they are his babies, and his knowledge about them is astounding!  He has spent his life traveling the world to collect these rare species of plants and has even created new species of orchids!  Unfortunately both Lex and I forgot our big cameras so I only had the smaller one I keep in the diaper bag.  These picture don't even begin to do justice to how beautiful it all was so we will definately be going back again so Lexi can take some of her amazing pictures.  

Thanks mom for taking us!  It was awesome.


lexi said...

your pictures turned out great!

Gayla said...

The pictures are great!. I'll have to tell Dr. Eren to take a look at your blog.