Tuesday, March 24, 2009

8 Months Old

Well, I'm sure no one even checks this anymore since I've been on a blogging hiatus for 4 months (no internet connection makes it tough), but as soon as we get settled in after this whole moving to Arkansas thing I'll be back!

In the mean time, I wanted to just quickly post a couple of Presley's bear pictures at 8 months (since she'll be 9 months in just over a week)!

I just can't even begin to explain the joy that this little girl brings into our lives!  And each and every month that goes by she just gets more and more fun.  These days her life is all about getting around and exploring.  She hasn't quite figured out crawling yet but she is well on her way.  She can get to just about any place she wants by rolling or scooting backwards, which has meant the start of lots of babyproofing for me!  She is obsessed with her feet and anyone else's feet too.  She loves all her books and other toys, but her favorite is my measuring cups-go figure!  Anytime she hears the word 'no' she shakes her head back and forth like crazy.  This is my absolute favorite and cracks me up but I'm sure I'll one day regret turning the word 'no' into a big joke!  It is amazing how this little baby can entertain us for hours on end and it makes me wonder what I ever did without her!  Lover her so much!


Gayla said...

She looks so cute! It was fun to "talk" with her tonight.