Saturday, October 17, 2009

We're Back!

If you can't tell, I'm sort of over the whole blogging thing. Okay, let's be honest, I was never that into it. But in an attempt to update things, here is a little of what we've been up to.

-We are finally back home in Idaho.
-Yes, we are staying here (for now).
-Presley is FINALLY walking!!
-We are in the midst of the flu. H1N1??? I don't know. But whatever it is, it's not fun. Luckily, I think we are at the tail end!
-Presley turned into a 'little girl' over night. Life is babies, hair, makeup, clothes, necklaces, and purses!
-When she isn't primping she is singing or dancing, usually 'e-i-e-i-o.'
-We are spending most of our time just enjoying being home, relaxing as a family, and finally trying to really 'move' into the house we've technically lived in for over a year and a half!


Gayla said...

I swear that's you as a baby in the bath!