Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Presley's First Week

                                                                 Presley at one week old.

Presley's first week of life was so exciting and filled with firsts.  It started out with lots of great visitors at the hospital.  We were so grateful for the family and friends that were there to support us at the hospital (sorry there aren't pics of everyone), and for all the great treats they brought us!

After a couple of very relaxing and peaceful days in the hospital, we got ready and headed home for the very first time!
Presley is not a big fan of her car seat until it starts moving.

Ready for her first car ride.

Welcome home Presley!

Once Presley got home there were even more firsts and lots of exploring and trying things out.

First sponge bath.

Trying out her swing.
Finding her thumb.
Checking out the bouncer and toys.
Finding my favorite sleeping position.
Opps! More sponge bath!

And more of the bouncy seat.

Trying out her cradle.
Napping with Daddy!
And just hanging out!


Cardon Family said...

holy cow Whit....she is soooooo dang cute! and sooooo tiny! you really forget how small they are because they grow so fast! I am so glad you finally posted some pics because I have been dying for an update on that little gal! Keep them coming!!

Ryan and Ashley said...

Ohh she is so cute and little. congrats, that must be so exciting we are so happy for you.

indeazgirl said...

I love seeing all these pics! She's so precious and looks so much like both of you. I'm so sad I missed y'all when I was in IF last week. Soon!