Thursday, January 31, 2008

"Flashback Friday" 2002

Rewind to 2002...
*Click on picture to see it bigger*

This picture was taken in the airport when Travis and all his "boys" took a legendary trip to Las Vegas for Halloween in 2002! (I realize 2002 was not all that long ago but I'm still limited to pics already on my computer until the scanner is unpacked, and I know some of these guys wives check the blog!) All I have ever been told about this trip is "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!" But I know that they had a great time and still get giddy when they reminisce about it! This was probably one of the last times these boys got to have an all boys time like this considering most of them got married in the next year or so. There are a couple that are still single though, ladies! I thought it would be fun for some of their wives to be reminded of what they were like then and how much they have changed in a short 6 years (for better or worse)! Funny to think that most of these guys are now fathers!

In keeping with the spirit of 2002, notice the background music. Just a couple of top hit songs that year!

Looking back at 2002...

~The average price for a gallon of gasoline is $1.31.
~The biggest movie was Lord of the Rings: Two Towers
~Lance Armstrong wins the Tour de France for the 4th consecutive time.
~The New England Patriots beat the Saint Louis Rams to win Superbowl
XXXVI, 20-17.
~The 2002 Winter Olympics are held in Salt Lake City, Utah.
~In Houston, Texas, Andrea Yates is found guilty of drowning her 5 children on June 20, 2001. She is later sentenced to life in prison.
~Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother dies in her sleep at the Royal lodge, aged 101
~The Beltway sniper attacks begin with 5 shootings in Montgomery County, Maryland.
~U.S. President George W. Bush signs the Homeland Security Act into law, establishing the Department of Homeland Security, in the largest U.S. government reorganization since the creation of the Department of Defense in 1947
~Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes is killed in a tragic car accident
~Laci Peterson is killed by her husband
~Priests Indiscretion uncovered when files show major cover up for priests accused of abuse


lexi said...

Where did you get your blog template from? Also, I have two new girl names for you. Call you later.

Our Little Fam said...

Happy Birthday!! I like the picture Lexi posted on her blog, it is a lot nicer then the pictures you posted, but not as funny. So I have been trying to get invited to your other blog, but my mom told me about your new one, Yeah!! I am so excited that you have one. Oh, congrats by the way on being pregnant. I can't wait for you. ANd I love you for not finding out. THere are a few of us crazies left. Did you have to convince Travis, or did he want to wait. I had to convince Brandon. Anyway I am writing a novel. Lets talk soon. oh and I want to be invited to your recipe blog.