Thursday, January 24, 2008

Swimming Lessons

Since we haven't had our own kids yet, Travis & I have spent the last few years living vicariously through our siblings and their children. Being aunts and uncles is the best! You get to do all of the fun stuff and then send them home to their parents afterwards. It makes it even more fun when you have the cutest niece and nephews in the entire world! Tonight, on our way to dinner, we stopped by the aquatics center to catch Reese's last swimming lesson. She had finally warmed up to her male teachers (she wanted girls) and was in a great mood. She had a blast jumping in, kicking, and throwing toys to dive for. She was adorable and even posed for the camera. We have so much fun with her and our nephews, we can't wait until this summer when there will be even more for us to play with.