Monday, January 28, 2008

"Tasty Tuesday"

"Tasty Tuesday" is another of Trav's ideas for me, I wanted "Foodie Friday" but it seems like everything went with friday so I had to compromise a little! "Tasty Tuesday" isn't about recipes though, that's what my other blog is for, it is just about all things yummy!

*Side Note: For any of you that don't know about my 'Good Food' blog it is just a place for everyone to share favorite recipes with eachother. I keep the blog set up as private only for copyright reasons, but would love to have as many people as possible participating. If you are interested in using the blog to share your recipes and tips and to find great new recipes from other people email me at or and I'll add you as a user!*

Back to Tasty Tuesday...

"There can be an almost ecstatic enjoyment in a single piece of fine dark chocolate that a dozen snickers bars can never give you." ~Mireille Guiliano

I am a true believer in this quote! I am a chocolate lover for sure, but not your average chocoholic! I take chocolate seriously, and I'm very picky about it! None of this milk chocolate crap for me, I want the real stuff! The darker the better! So my mother-in-law knew she had a treat for me when she offered me a new candy she found. The funny part is she thought it was disgusting (she's a milk chocolate girl!) but I thought it was to die for! Ever since my first taste I have been hooked! My niece has even started calling it "Aunt Whitney's medicine" and she has to feed it to me when she comes over (which I don't mind at all)! So what is this new delicious treat? They are called "sweetriot peaces" and everyone who truly loves chocolate must try it.

Check out their website It is so fun. It tells you all about the product, how to order, has a really fun section on the history of chocolate, recipes, and all kinds of other vital chocolate information.

For any of you that don't like dark chocolate yet, give these a try. It may take a little time but I promise eventually you will be converted to the real chocolate and you will never again be tempted by the inferior milk chocolate!

Chocolate Quotes

~"The divine drink which builds up resistance and fights fatigue. A cup of this precious drink permits man to walk for a whole day without food."
- reported by a soldier from the army of Hernando Cortes,1519

~"If you are not feeling well, if you have not slept, chocolate will revive you. But you have no chocolate! I think of that again and again! My dear, how will you ever manage?"
- Marquise de Sevigne (French writer and lady of fashion: Feb, 1677)

~"'Twill make old women young and fresh, create new motions of the flesh. And cause them to long for 'you know what', if they but taste of chocolate."
- James Wadworth (1768-1844; A History of the Nature and Quality of Chocolate)

- Homer Simpson

~"All I really need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt!"
- Lucy Van Pelt, "Peanuts"

~"All we'll have to do is give him a triple dosage of my wonderful Supervitamin Chocolate. Supervitamin Chocolate contains huge amounts of vitamin A and vitamin B...and, believe it or not, vitamin Z! The only two vitamins it DOESN'T have in it are vitamin S, because it makes you sick, and vitamin H, because it makes you grow horns on the top of your head, like a bull. But it does have a very small amount of the rarest and most magical vitamin of them all - vitamin Wonka... It's most useful. He'll be able to play the piano with his feet." - Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Chocolate Fun Facts

~Chocolate was once used as a form of payment and bartering. A good turkey hen would cost you 100 cacao beans, a jackrabbit is also 100 beans, a small rabbit for 30 beans, an avocado for 3 beans, a tamale for one bean, and so on.

~Antioxidants have the power to reduce the risks of cancer and heart disease. It is amazing to note the abundance of antioxidants present in chocolate in comparison to other well-known antioxidant rich foods. Among these are teas, red wines, fruits, legumes and vegetables. Blueberries, which have recently been publicized for their high antioxidants, contain 2,400 ORAC (units per 100 grams). Dark chocolate? 13,120 ORAC!!!

~The mineral properties of cacao include copper, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and calcium. Of these, magnesium is reportedly the most deficient mineral of the modern diet. Along with seeds, nuts and seaweeds, cacao is a major source for this much needed mineral. Traditionally, we associate chocolate with love, valentine's day, passion... It is interesting to note that the heart muscle contains and demands high concentrations of magnesium. Truly, as valentine's day suggests, chocolate could be considered good for our hearts. Additionally, magnesium serves to support strong bones, relaxed muscles and is a natural laxative. Nice.

~Phenylethylamine (PEA) is found in chocolate.
Try it like this - fennal - EH - thal - a - mean Never mind - PEA. PEA is a chemical associated with adrenal health. It is created within the brain and released when we are in love. Supposedly, chocolate has the ability to create a mild version of the "warm fuzzies" you experience when you are in love. It's so true that this food is a love potion! And you thought it was all Godiva hype. PEA is one of the reasons why love and chocolate have a deep correlation. PEA also plays a role in increasing focus and alertness, which can certainly help if you're in love.

~Anandamide, also known as the "bliss chemical", is released by the brain when we are feeling great. This "bliss chemical" is also found in the properties of chocolate, which could explain why we consider chocolate to be a natural mood enhancer. As an additional bonus, chocolate contains enzyme inhibitors that decrease the body's ability to metabolize anandamide prolonging feelings of bliss. If bliss lasts longer than 4 hours consult your doctor immediately. Talk about getting all the bang for your buck.

*For more info check out


lexi said...

okay, so you officially may have too much time on your hands. Just kidding. Love "tasty Tuesdays" and need to try those yummy treats!

Cardon Family said...

I want in on your recipe blog!! mine is supposed to be for other people to add too...not just me because there is no way i could keep up with that...but i want to see your recipes!!