Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Holiday Recap

We had way too much fun over the holidays to try and write about it all now! Instead I decided to just post a few pictures from our trip home to Cleveland to catch everyone up on how we spent most of December:

Cousins at brunch.

Travis & Carter decorating cookies (mostly eating them)!

Some of our favorites from the white elephant gift exchange!

Christmas Eve pj's, carols, and wrestling!

I think Trav had more fun on Christmas morning with the kids toys than they did!

One of our Christmas gifts from my parents this year was taking the whole family (+Jimmy) to Kalahari, the biggest indoor water park in the country! It was so much fun. All the kids and adults had a blast! We are thinking it might have to become an annual trip. The older boys even tried surfing, without much luck!

If you can't tell, New Year's Eve was mostly about the food for us! But we also found some time to fit in a little wii bowling before mom and dad passed out for the night!