Thursday, May 22, 2008

Okay, Maybe I Will Miss Being Pregnant...

...At this point in my pregnancy (33 weeks) it seems like there is an awful lot to complain about.  Especially when you are under 5 feet tall and it seems like there is no room left in your body for this child!  So in the mist of all the whining and complaining over my inability to sleep and being scared every time I look in the mirror, I had a realization yesterday...

There are a few things I'm really going to miss when this is over!

How did I come to this realization?  Well as I sat on my butt yesterday morning, eating strawberry shortcake for breakfast (which I also had later for lunch and dessert), it occurred to me that this is probably the only time in my life I will ever be able to justify such a ridiculous indulgence!  I know all the pregnancy books and doctors say you still have to eat healthy and that being pregnant is not a free ticket to binge, but come on, no one is going to tell a woman who is eight months pregnant that she can't have strawberry shortcake for breakfast if that's what she wants!

So, sure I'm going to miss feeling the baby kick and move around inside of me, and I'm going to miss the feeling that I'm actually creating a life.  But most of all I'm going to miss all the things that pregnancy allows you to get away with!  For me that means eating cake 3 meals a day, taking 2-3 hour naps in the middle of the day, sending Travis back to the store twice because there aren't enough sprinkles on my ice cream, making him drive out of his way to get me a certain hamburger, asking Travis to do things for me that I'm just to lazy to do like tie my shoes, and finally having a good excuse to not care about being fat!  When else will I ever get a chance like this? (By the next pregnancy I'm sure I won't have the same luxuries with a toddler to take care of!)

So, while 7 more weeks makes me cringe at the discomfort, you better believe I'm going to milk it for all it's worth and indulge like never before!

ps.  this is why there are no more pictures being taken of me while I'm pregnant!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh. I wish I could have some of the shortcake.

Cardon Family said...

AMEN!! soak it all crack me up!

kecia said...

thanks alot I am now craving that shortcake! I do love the benefit of being pregnant and getting to eat anything you want-enjoy!

Leah said...

You sound just like me! I can't get enough sweets when I am prego. You look so cute too. Ignore all the comments "any day now" I get that a lot too! People are so dumb. I swear, even the girls that have been pregnant before have no clue what NOT to say to someone who is. Anyway, I can't remember who I saw your blog from but have enjoyed looking at it! I finally got one too;